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January 14, 2025 - 5 min read

The click-through rate of SMS

Image by Romain Didelot
Romain Didelot

Romain Didelot

Click-through rate SMS

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Inserting a link in a SMS ad generates traffic to your website and encourages your customers to make a purchase. The click-through rate is therefore one of the most important performance indicators of a communication campaign. And as with many other KPIs and statistics (conversion, ROI...), SMS is the n°1 channel for mobile marketing..

Find out what click-through rate you can expect with a marketing SMS but also how to calculate, analyze and optimize this key indicator.

What is the click-through rate?

The "click-through rate" or "CTR" (Click Through Rate) is the percentage of people who clicked on a link after seeing it (clicks/impressions). For SMS, this statistic is derived from the number of recipients who clicked on the link contained in SMS, divided by the number of people who opened SMS.

For example, if 10 customers receive your brand's SMS and 2 of them click on the URL, the click-through rate is 20%.

How to calculate a campaign's click-through rate SMS

The formula is quite simple.
Let's say you sent 500 SMS to 500 different telephone numbers. Of these recipients, 50 actually clicked on the link in your SMS. This means your click-through rate is 10%. 50 divided by 500 equals 10%.

To obtain this statistic, the challenge lies rather in your ability to know the number of clicks on the URL. While this data is often available within a sponsored links, emailing or social ads campaign, few SMS providers give you access to these statistics.

At smsmode©, we enable you to calculate click-through rates natively with the URL shortener function smsmode©.

How does it work? Instead of using a classic URL in your SMS, you first shorten the link with the "URL shortener" function smsmode©. Once the link has been shortened, you can place it in your message.

Thanks to this function, not only do you save characters, but after sending your SMS, you'll be able to see in real time how many customers clicked on the link.

The Rich SMS function, including a Landing-Page editor and URL shortener available by subscription, goes even further.

It allows you to :

Documentation on SMS enriched
sms enriched

If you don't use the short link generator smsmode©The tracking of link data from your SMS messages can only be done using analysis software such as Google Analytics, in order to be able to analyze the results and performance of each campaign. In this case, be sure to set up filters on your links to ensure that clicks come from your campaigns SMS.

Unfortunately, adding UTMs will make your URLs endless, which lengthens and confuses your communication, not to mention the sense of mistrust that the link may cause.

What is a good click-through rate for a SMS campaign?

There is no hard and fast rule for what constitutes a good CTR. A satisfactory CTR depends mainly on the objectives set by the company. Each campaign has its own requirements.

A single click that leads to a conversion and therefore a sale can sometimes be enough, as this sale can cover your costs and match the expectations of your marketing campaign SMS. Other customers may need a CTR of more than 10% to generate a sufficient number of leads that would lead to an appropriate amount of new business being generated subsequently.

What is the average click-through rate on SMS ?

Statistics on this point vary greatly depending on the source:

From what smsmode© has observed in various campaigns in France, the click-through rate for SMS marketing is between 6% and 16%..

One thing is certain: whatever the data used, click-through rate, like conversion and ROIis yet another KPI where SMS comes out on top. Even 6% seems huge compared to email marketing (2.80%), sponsored links (1.98%) and social network advertising (0.05%) (source:

And it's up to you to make these averages your minimum 😉.

How can you optimize the click-through rate of your SMS ?

Let's start by sweeping aside the obvious: including links in SMS is the best way to get clicks. Without links, the recipient of your messages has nothing to click on and nowhere to go.

Assert your brand identity

A low click-through rate is often due to mistrust on the part of the recipient. To reassure them, remember to correctly identify yourself as the sender of the message. The best way to do this is to personalize your Sender ID. Otherwise, at the very least, mention your brand name in the body of the SMS message.

Another good practice is to preserve your brand in the link. Unknown URLs can be perceived as spam. This can affect your performance.

Watch the number of characters in your message

A SMS is limited to 160 characters. If your link or message is too long, you risk incurring additional charges, or even sending a truncated SMS if you're using an API and there's a configuration or query fault (nbr_message=1 for example).

Also take into account the mandatory presence of the STOP sign SMS.

Use line breaks

The line break costs you only one character, but it saves you structure. These line breaks make your communication clearer, more professional and allow you to present your link as a real CTA.

Personalise your message

The more personalized a message is to your consumers, the higher the click-through rate.

Some ideas for personalization:

View link preview images and optimize your statistics with RCS

Have you ever heard of RCS? This new messaging protocol is a revolution in mobile marketing. It enables many things, including personalized previews. To benefit from this preview, all you have to do is set a title, description and image when you create your link, and then insert it into your SMS messages.

Statistics soar with RCS! We've seen clicks and conversions 3X higher on RCS campaigns.

Contact us to find out how many of your contacts are compatible.

The next KPI

You now have all the keys you need to calculate and optimize the click-through rate of your campaigns. The next KPI to optimize is conversion rate SMSThis will enable you to calculate the conversion rate of each campaign, giving you a clear view of the return on investment of your SMS marketing campaigns.

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