Qualify your leads automatically with SMS OTPread the article Qualify your leads automatically with SMS OTPread the article Cualifique sus leads automáticamente con SMS OTPleer el artículo Qualificate automaticamente i vostri contatti con gli SMS OTPper saperne di più Ihre Leads automatisch mit SMS OTP qualifizierenmehr erfahren

Examples from SMS professionals

SMS is the most direct and personal way to reach customers. In fact, 77% of consumers like brands that communicate via SMS (Mobile Marketing Watch). So there are plenty of reasons to get started with SMS campaigns. But how do you get started? smsmode© gives you a few tips and ideas to help you get started, with the right example for each SMS category.

examples of sms

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Whether for marketing(drive to store/web by SMS, lead acquisition...), notification (information, appointment reminder, order confirmation, OTP code...), or even sales prospecting; there's an example for everything 😉 !

Best practices for writing professional SMS

Before sending, it's a good idea to know the best practices for professional SMS campaigns. What are they?

  • rules to respect?
  • Information to be communicated? 
  • the messages that work best?

There's no shortage of opportunities to send a SMS . The announcement of new products or solutions, the opening of a new point of sale, the distribution of special offers or exclusive promotions for your customers, a flash sale, a contest to win a prize... The list of examples is endless.

But like other marketing channels such as emailing, TV advertising or billboards, SMS is a communication channel with its own codes. All SMS professionals follow a series of best practices that are best kept in mind before starting a campaign.

Here are the best practices for writing an effective professional SMS :

10 best practices for a successful SMS campaign

Available as a free download, our white paper will show you the essential practices and tips for integrating mobile marketing campaigns via SMS into your communication channels.

Examples of SMS Marketing

1. Sales and promotion

Brands use SMS to broadcast their promotions, because it's one of the most direct and cost-effective ways of reaching prospects and customers.

78% of consumers appreciate personalized advertising (source: Kantar Media). SMS is ideal for distributing your promotional offers and boosting your sales, because it's a personal channel by nature. What's more, it's highly customizable thanks to the variables you can place in your messages.



[First name], get 20% off your next order at [Company] with code 1234.


[Name], Be among the first to benefit from discounts at [Company]! Click here to register: [URL].

"100 characters

"100 characters


Your favorite products are just a click away!
[Company] now welcomes you on the Web.
-30% for 3 days only:
[Website link]


Take advantage of our selection at up to 50% off! Don't miss this opportunity to make great bargains. Visit us now in store or on our website to find out more.

"126 characters

"185 characters

2. SMS birthday

The SMS birthday gift is perfect for building customer loyalty with a little personal attention that can make all the difference. The SMS birthday gifts are also an opportunity to play the personalization card to the full.



Happy birthday [First name]!
For this special occasion,
receive a 15% discount on our entire catalog.


Hello [Name]!
Until 25/07, your institute is celebrating its 10th anniversary! A 25% discount is offered on the treatment of your choice.

"113 characters

"115 characters


Already 5 years together [Name]!

To thank you for your loyalty, we are offering you a 10% discount on your next order. To take advantage of this offer, simply enter the discount code FIDELITE10 during your next online order or mention this code during your next visit to the store.

Thanks again and see you soon!

"299 characters

3. SMS for sales

Every year, sales are periods of intense marketing pressure. As such, SMS is the medium to use to stand out and get noticed. For an e-commerce site, the use of Rich SMS (containing a link) can make a big difference and boost the conversion rate of your online store.



Only 10 days left to take advantage of 50% off the entire store! Click here [URL ] to see the best-selling items and make your choice.


Haven't taken advantage of our WINTER SALES yet?
Last chance!
Save 70% today. Visit [URL] to take advantage!

"131 characters

"126 characters


Buy from [Company] today and get a GIFT worth up to €X with your purchase. Valid on all items on sale. Use [CODE] at checkout!

"172 characters

SMS advertising through 5 action sheets

Our free downloadable white paper "Le SMS Publicitaire à travers 5 fiches-actions" will help you discover all the possibilities offered by SMS for prospecting on cell phones.

4. SMS for private sales

Private sales are reserved for your loyal customers. It's the perfect opportunity to give them special attention and let them know by making their phone vibrate.



Hello [First name], take advantage of 30% off our entire [Range name] range before anyone else. Offer valid until the start of the sales.


[Take advantage of the sales, BEFORE THE SALES! Get X% off all our products thanks to your loyalty! Click here: [URL].

"120 characters

"127 characters


[First name], we've just received the bags from the new collection a week before they go on sale. Why don't you come and see them before anyone else does?

154 characters

5. Promotional highlights (holidays, Black Friday...)

There are many holidays and special occasions during the year that give rise to gifts - and therefore opportunities for you to offer a flash promotion: Mother's DayFather's Day, Valentine's Day, Christmas, Black Friday...

Sending out a SMS campaign sent out at the right time, in the run-up to these events, often boasts an impressive conversion rate. Your customers already have the intention to buy, and thanks to the reach of SMS, you can make sure you're on their minds.



[Company name] wishes you a Happy Mother's Day! 30% off floral arrangements this weekend only. In store or online at [URL].


BLACK FRIDAY promotions go on forever! Get X% off all [products or categories].

Offer valid until midnight.

"143 characters

"135 characters


Get the best deals on all your favorite products this Cyber Monday. Send CYBERMONDAY by SMS to [SHORT CODE] to get 20% off the entire catalog!


Get ready to take advantage of exceptional Black Friday offers! Send [keyword] by SMS to [short code] to get a sneak preview of our best offers and be the first to know when they're available!

"151 characters

"190 characters


Don't know what to give for Christmas [NAME]? We've got the answer! Our special holiday sale has just started. Click on [URL] for incredible discounts!

"145 characters

6. SMS invitations to events

Events, whether online or in person, are an interesting way of keeping in touch with prospects and customers. An invitation by SMS, in support of or instead of an e-mail, can boost attendance. To let people know, or simply remind them when and where the event is taking place and how to register or view it. The response rate of SMS is much higher than that of email, and the de facto lower volume of mailings means you don't have to spend too much.



Hello [First name] - The [Company] webinar starts in 10 minutes. We hope to see you there! The registration link is in your email.


Your [Brand] boutique celebrates its reopening on XX/XX!

Come and preview our new products at [Address].

"127 characters

"115 characters


Join us for a live webinar on 20/06 at 11am. On the agenda: everything you need to know about X and how to make it your #1 advantage! [URL]

"137 characters

7. SMS welcome

One of the first contacts between a company and its customers/prospects is the welcome message. This SMS is there to welcome new subscribers to your news. It's important to include the type of content your subscribers can expect and how they can unsubscribe. You can also use this message to double opt-in, as in the following example.



Thank you for registering [First name]! You're going to receive lots of information and good deals! Confirm your choice to receive these messages by answering "Yes".


[Company]: Welcome aboard! We'll send you the latest updates and announcements here.

Send STOP to 36123 to unsubscribe.

"150 characters

"126 characters


Welcome to [Brand]! The adventure begins with a gift! Use code [CODE] to get [% ] off any order!

"125 characters

8. SMS for a satisfaction survey

SMS is a great tool for generating survey responses quickly and easily. With SMS Response or by using a virtual mobile number, you can sort and redirect responses to view your results.



Thank you for purchasing the [Product] jacket. Could you please rate our service?

Please rate this message from 1 to 10.


Hello [Name], how was your service today? Send GOOD, OK or BAD to give your opinion.

Thank you! - Company] [URL]

"124 characters

"124 characters



We hope you enjoyed your experience with [Company]. To help us improve our services, we would like to invite you to complete our satisfaction survey. It will only take a few minutes of your time.

To complete it, click here: [ URL].

Thank you in advance and see you soon.

"275 characters

Examples of SMS notification

1. Safety codes

One of the most common ways for companies to offer a secure browsing experience is two-factor authentication. And the most common way to implement this authentication is with an OTP security code sent by SMS.

At a time when online security is a top priority, customers appreciate the convenience and security offered by the SMS OTP.



123456 is your verification code. It expires in 15 minutes.


[Solution]: your verification code: 123456

2. Appointment reminders

SMS is the most convenient way for service providers and businesses to stay in touch. For all professions that require appointments (Medical, Aesthetics, Automotive, Hairdressing...) Appointment reminders by SMS are an obvious choice, as they are easy to set up and solve a large number of problems such as no-shows, late arrivals, forgetting...



Your appointment of 03/17/2020 at 15:00 with doctor [Your Name] is confirmed.


Hello [Name]. Your massage is scheduled for 27/04/22 at 12pm. Please plan to arrive 15 minutes in advance. Please answer "Yes" to confirm.


Your appointment with [doctor's name] has been rescheduled to [date] at [time]. Please send us a message or call us with any questions.

3. SMS for booking confirmations and/or changes

Based on the same principle as appointment reminders, reservation changes or confirmations are SMS informative messages that have a strong consumer appeal. They keep you informed and avoid disappointment or misunderstanding. Mailboxes are often full and rarely consulted while on the move. Messages can get lost in spam filters or become invisible in a sea of unread messages. Instead of sending booking confirmations by e-mail, companies can send them by confirmations by SMS and gain in visibility.



Hello [Name],
We confirm your pre-order of [Product].

We will send you a SMS as soon as it is available and ready to ship.


Dear [Name]. Your flight 349033 will be delayed by 2 hours. Please contact [Company name] for further information. We apologize for any inconvenience.


Your room at [Hotel] is ready! See you on March 17, 2020 at 3:00 pm.


Your [Product] is on its way! Delivery scheduled for 12/03 at 10:00 am.

4. SMS for electronic document signatures

Electronic signatures make exchanges more fluid and enable identity verification in complete security. Thanks to SMS OTP and its full probative value, it is fully compliant with European Union legislation.



[Name], your signature validation code is: 123456


Document X is ready to be signed. Validate your signature with the following code: 12346

SMS with 9 action sheets

Our free downloadable white paper will help you discover the possibilities of notifications and information of your contacts on their mobile.

5. Internal corporate communications

SMS enables companies to communicate instantly, lightly and conveniently with their customers, but it's also an excellent way for companies to communicate internally. Creating an internal SMS subscriber list, for instant, urgent and timely updates, can revolutionize processes, especially in sectors like logistics.



Hello team, a maintenance of our systems will take place today.


Delivery AQBC1234 arrives at 10:00 am at [Location]. Staff required: 4 people


Hello [Name], [Company] is expecting you for the inventory on 10/08 from 2:00 pm.

6. SMS for status updates

SMS are read instantly and are the most effective way of sending critical messages. That's why SMS is the channel of choice for sending messages that must be read, such as status updates.



Dear customer, we have updated our policies.

Read more here: [URL]


Dear customers, our General Terms and Conditions have changed.

Consult them here: [URL]

7. Billing reminders

More and more companies are adapting to their customers' preferences by sending them billing reminders via SMS.

Updates via SMS are less likely to be overlooked than emails (sent to often overloaded business mailboxes), and are just as easy for companies to automate.



Your balance of €100 will be credited to [Account] on XX/XX/XXXX.


Hello [Name], your invoice N°XXXXX is awaiting payment.

Go to your customer area to pay.

SMS for commercial prospecting

Yes, sending SMS to your prospects works. As with marketing and notification, SMS shines in sales prospecting thanks to its unbeatable reach and open rate.

However, you need to be tactful. SMS and email (or LinkedIn InMail 😉 ) are two very different channels. What works for one doesn't always work for the other.

Here are the 7 best practices of commercial prospecting by SMS :

1. Number collection

Don't buy a list of phone numbers. It's both inefficient and unnecessary. There are easier ways to collect the numbers of your potential customers.

For example, you could add a click-to-text button to your website. You could also consider adding phone number collection to your site's web forms. Ask people to leave their phone number to receive a quote, case study, white paper or other useful content.

2. The presentation

Find the right time and reason to send SMS. Talk like a real person, and prefer to start your SMS with information about your prospect that justifies you getting in touch.

3. SMS business development templates


Hello [Name], thank you for downloading our e-book. I'm [Name] from [Company].

I would like to know more about your needs. Do you have time today to chat?


Hello [Name], this is [Your Name]. We met at [Name of event].

How available are you this week to discuss your needs?

"155 characters

"147 characters


Hello [Name], This is [Your Name] from [Company].

You signed up for a trial a few days ago, how is it going? I'd love to hear what you think.


Hello [Customer name], this is [Your name] from [Company].

Are you still available for our call at [Time] today?

"143 characters

"121 characters


Hello [Name]! I'm [Your Name] from [Company]. I am happy to provide you with the consultation you requested.

Choose your preferred time here: [ URL].

We look forward to talking with you!

"193 characters


Whether you're planning a marketing, notification or sales prospecting campaign, you now have all the keys you need to make a success of your professional SMS campaigns. As you'll have gathered by now, SMS is a channel that gives pride of place to immediacy and personalization. It also allows you to reach everyone, almost without fail. You need to handle SMS with tact, however, to avoid being too intrusive and risking a high unsubscribe rate.

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Try our SMS platform and benefit from 20 free test credits, with no obligation.

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